Fumitory Water
Fumitory water is prepared from distillation of Fumaria officinalis aerial parts.
Fumitory has a long history of use in traditional medicine and has been investigated for its therapeutic potential in the management of cardiovascular and hepatobiliary disorders and psoriasis. Fumaria extracts also may be useful in the management of disorders of the hepatobiliary tract. F. officinalis is approved in Germany for the colicky pain affecting the gallbladder and biliary system, together with the GI tract. F. officinalis is approved in Germany for the colicky pain affecting the gallbladder and biliary system, in addition to the GI tract. Furmaric acid esters have been used as a treatment for psoriasis for nearly 30 years, and there is renewed interest in this area by dermatologists. Research also reveals no clinical data regarding the use of fumitory for diabetes, although there is 1 animal study indicating its potential use in lowering glucose levels. Fumitory has moderate nature.
Drinking fumitory is said to provide these benefits:
Blood purifier and vasodilation, cholagogic
Beneficial in curing icterus, liver failure, eczema, herpes simplex, hepatic, oral spots and cutaneous affection
Lowers blood pressure and cholesterol, antifebrile, beneficial for urinary problems, insomnia, body pruritus, enlarged prostate and constipation.
Beneficial for gums inflammations if used as a mouth wash.