Publishing the first scientific book
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Publishing the first scientific book "Rosa damascena and therapeutic effects" By TabibDaru Company

"Mr. Mazaheri", the director manager of Tabib Daru Company, has always been a lover of science and research, So, he provided the field of compiling the collection "Rosa damascena and its therapeutics" by Dr. Mohaddese Mahboubi". Rosa damascena flower is the national flower of the Iranian people, and its main origin is Qamsar region of Kashan. On the other hand, Tabib Daru has a long experience in cultivating, harvesting rose flowers and producing various products from Rosa damascena, while the general public is less familiar with the chemical compounds and therapeutic effects of this valuable plant. the compilation and publication of this book was on the agenda of Tabib Daru Company. This book has been published in five chapters by Safir Ardahal Publications. In addition to introducing Rosa damascena and its origin, the chemical composition, its different derivities and its therapeutic effects were the subjects of this valuable book. We wish that this book will be a source of new ideas and new research for the researchers and those interested in that national wealth of Iran.

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